5 websites to learn coding for free - Beginner-friendly

Take a sneak peek at the top websites to learn and improve your coding skills.

The Odin Project

The Odin Project has a curriculum best suited to learning a programming language from scratch. Their curriculum is broken down into Foundation, full-stack Ruby on Rails and full-stack JavaScript. Learners can mark complete any topic they are done studying, which is a good feature for learners who want to track down their progress. Learners also get to do projects after the end of every module and share them on GitHub, which is a good feature for them to test their skills.


Freecodecamp is a non-profit organization with the best resources for beginners to learn coding. Learners learn by doing tasks on their platforms related to the topic at hand, which is best for learners who want to practice and test their skills as they continue learning.

They also offer free verified certificates on their website such as responsive web designing systems, algorithms and data structures for JavaScript, front-end development libraries, data visualizations and data science, data analysis with Python, Information security, APIs and microservices, machine learning with Python, and so much more.


w3schools is a free online tutorials websites where beginners can start coding. They provide tutorials for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, C# and Java.

The website provides a documentation-style approach to learning with exercises and examples learners can try to test their skills. It is best suited for learners who are learning from scratch, as they provide well-detailed descriptions of topics at hand which makes it easier for beginners to understand.


Tutorialspoint is an online e-learning website that provides a variety of resources from free tutorials to paid courses, ebooks and so much more. Their website has tutorials for most programming languages used today, so you are sure to find the language you want to learn.

Tutorialspoint provides a documentation-style approach to learning, with topics broken down into modules which makes it easier for learners to follow along as they develop their skills.


It is a free online community where people can learn how to code by doing real-world projects. It bridges the gap between theory and real-world code allowing learners to test their knowledge.

DevProjects also have mentors whom learners can ask for help when stuck on a project at a small fee, the mentors can also review learners' code. Learners also have access to solutions to various projects solved by other developers.

"In some ways, programming is like painting. You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials. You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them."Andrew Hunt


Most of the resources mentioned in the article above are credible sources you can trust, I have personally used the sites when I was still learning to code and still use them today when stuck on a concept or when adding a new language to my stack.

I know I have missed out on other equally good resources for beginners, feel free to comment down below on other websites you have used before for the benefit of our readers. I wish you all the best in your coding journey, do not give up when the going gets tough as it is part of the process.